Saturday, March 29, 2008

Loving the Least of These in Rwanda

So often you hear stories of need. Those stories usually end with little hope of tangible response. Tonight was different! I had the privileged of listening to a Pastor from Gisenyi, Rawanda. Pastor Simon shared about his church and their response to the needs of their community during the genocide, the aftermath, and the continuing battle with HIV/AIDS and orphans. His church of about 200 people ministers to/ cares for 624 orphans. They know each child by name and their situation. Many, many in the church offer their homes, families, and ultimately love to these orphans. Love, God's love and the people that extend it are what keep these orphans coming back to this church.

Pastor Simon's story captured me on so many levels. The thing that resonated in me so deeply was recognizing God's Kingdom. It may sound strange and I'm not sure that I have the words to explain. But, I saw it, I heard it... the reality of a present and tangible God moving among and through His people. A people that are open to His movement and living it, even in moments of great sacrifice and uncomfort. Even as Pastor Simon spoke Bill Hyble's words range in my heart, "the local church is the hope of the world." That's what I saw tonight in one man's story, in his church, in his part of the world. The least of these where being loved and through that the "up there" of God's kingdom was being brought "down here." I can't think of anything that excites me more!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Jet-lag

Yesterday was Easter and what a great day it was! I love celebrating Jesus' resurrection and am striving to do that in the everyday life this year. During this Holy Week I was reminded how much we focus on the cross, yet the true miracle and life came in Jesus' resurrection. I'm not sure why with all the great things from the last week that I find myself so tired. It reminds me of jet-lag! That strange feeling that comes after traveling. You've done nothing and yet you are so tired.

If you've traveled by plane, train, or automobile I'm sure you know what I mean...
I'm too jet-lagged to say anything more. Look for something more deeply profound in April :-)

~for now the jet-lagged bloger